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DMRadio Podcast

Feb 26, 2021

Broadcast Date: February 25, 2021 at 3 PM ET

Master Data Management remains a cornerstone of information systems. It's essentially a methodology for virtually reconciling specific entities across a variety of sources. Done correctly, MDM allows companies to track inventory, revenue, and a range of other entities. Why...

Feb 19, 2021

Eric Kavanagh

CEO at The Bloor Group


Nir Livneh

CEO & Founder, Equalum 

Rick Sherman

Managing Partner at Athena IT Solutions

Eugene Burke

Program Director, Content & Shared Services at Clarivate...

Feb 12, 2021

Once the pinnacle of analytics projects, dashboards are reportedly falling out of favor with business users. How so? The various arguments say they’re too static, too simple, too complex, or just too staid. Other luminaries suggest that most use cases for data enrichment should bypass the dashboard and get plugged...

Feb 5, 2021

Once the domain of elite organizations, the power of analytics now pervades the business world. And there are so many choices for how to generate that analysis. Data Warehousing is alive and well, but so is Data Science! And you can even just rent the analysis these days to find the insights you want. What’s a...