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DMRadio Podcast

May 22, 2020

Broadcast Date: May 21, 2020, at 3ET


  • Heather Federman, BigID
  • Dave Humphrey, MicroFocus
  • Hilary Wandall, TrustArc

The host of DM RadioEric Kavanagh

May 15, 2020

Broadcast Date: May 14, 2020, at 3ET


  • Cliff White, Accellion
  • Sendur Sellakumar, Splunk
  • Ravi Shankar, Denodo
  • Brian Schwartz, Pure Storage

The host of DM RadioEric Kavanagh

May 12, 2020

Buyers make the business world go ’round. They’re the ones who channel money this way and that, helping sellers survive or thrive, even in a market like today’s. But business-to-business selling is undergoing massive changes. That was the case before #COVID19, and is being accelerated by this stunning pandemic....

May 9, 2020

Broadcast Date: May 7, 2020, at 3ET

Archive available shortly…


  • Jennifer Kloke, Ayasdi  
  • Raphael Danilo, Yobs Technology 
  • Fraser Marlow, Talend  

Data, data everywhere, but who’s got time to think? Yes, the democratization of data is awesome: front-line workers, key business partners, even customers can now...